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Photos List
(1) ML of Filler for Gorgeous Results
A Chemical Peel + Laser Can Restore Hands' Vitality!
A Customized Treatment Plan for Gorgeous Results
A Light Touch with Big Results
A Slimming Single CoolSculpting Session
Acne 'Ice Pick' Scars No More!
Acne and Rosacea Treatment - Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Acne Scar Treatment
Acne Treatment - San Francisco, CA
Acne Treatment - San Francisco, CA
Acne Treatment - San Francisco, CA
Acne Treatment in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Acne Treatment is Possible, Even in the Summer!
Adult Acne Treatments - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, California
All Over Fat Reduction using Coolsculpting on San Francisco, CA male
An elegant solution for a neck lines (aka Tech Neck)
Anti Aging, Wrinkle, and Sun Damage Treatment - San Francisco, CA
Back Acne Cleared with Accutane
Back to School Beauty
Bay Area Male Coolsculpting - Stomach, Flank, and Back Fat Reduction
Beautiful Results with Laser Resurfacing in Pacific Heights
Beautiful Results with Sofwave
Beautiful Scar Revision
Beautiful Skin Doesn't Take a Miracle, Only Commitment
Beautiful, Clear Skin is Possible
Beautiful, Early Results with Emface
Beautiful, Natural Facial Restoration with Sculptra
Big Results are Possible with Minimal Effort
Birthmark Removal in Pacific Heights
Blue Vein Treatment with Lasers in San Francisco, CA
Body Sculpting is an Art
Bright Skin Post Jessner Peel
Brighter, More Even Skin After Acne Scars, Melasma
Build Muscle, Lose Fat - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Cellulite Treatment
Cellulite Treatment San Francisco, CA
Chemical Peels and An At Home Regimen Yield Big Results
Chest Lines Erased with Sculptra, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Chest Lines Erased with Sculptra, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Chiseled Waist - Male, San Francisco, CA
Clear & Brilliant, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Clear & Comfortable Skin IS Possible
Clear beautiful skin after acne treatments
Clear Skin, Lovely Jawline
Clear, Comfortable Skin is Possible
Clearing the Canvas, treatment for Melasma in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Combination Therapies for PostPartum Volume Reduction & Skin Tightening
Combination Treatment Wows!
Combined Treatments for Big Results
Combining Injectables for Gorgeous, Natural Results
Combining Services for Gorgeous Results
Contoured Jawline with Kybella
CoolSculpting Elite to Sculpt the Chest
CoolSculpting for a Svelte Silhouette
Coolsculpting for Inner Thigh Reduction - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Coolsculpting for Upper and Lower Flanks
CoolSculpting the Back in San Francisco
Crepey Skin Smooth Once Again
Custom Designed Treatment Plan to Reduce Pigmentation in Pacific Heights
Custom Treatment Plan for Sun Damage
Cyst Removal San Francisco
Cystic Acne Cleared in Two Months - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Dedication and a Expertly Designed Treatment Plan, San Francisco
Dedication to an At-Home Regimen Yields Major Results
Denser Fat? We can help!
Dupixent for Eczema, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Effective Jawline Tightening with Sofwave
Emface for Jawline and Under Chin Tightening
Emface for Lift, No Needles Required
Emface providing beautiful overall lift
Emface Serves Up Gorgeous Results
Emface, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Emface, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Emface, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Emface, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
EMsculpt NEO in San Francisco
EMsculpt NEO, San Francisco
EmSculpt: Stronger.Leaner.Faster.
EMtone for Major Tightening
EMtone in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
EMtone: Tighter, Firmer, Slimmer
Enhancing a Slime Figure
Even Out Skin Tone with Laser
Even Skin is Acheiveable
Even Skin Tone
Even, Clear Skin
Even, Clear Skin is Achievable!
Face Volume Loss Treatment - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Face Volume Loss Treatment - San Francisco, CA
Filler For Foot Pad
Fotona - Four Treatments In One
Fraxel Laser - Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Fraxel Re:pair in San Francisco
Fraxel RePair for Facial Scar
Fraxel Repair Laser Resurfacing Softens Wrinkles
Fraxel Repair Treats a Sagging Neck
Full Face Antiaging Treatment with Fraxel Repair
Global Approach to Hair Loss & How Oral Minoxidil Can Help Regrow Hair
Global Glow Up in Pacific Heights
Global Treatment for Rosacea in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Glowing, Beatiful Skin with Fraxel Repair
Gorgeous Lower Face Lift with Sofwave
Gorgeous Results from Acne Treatment Plan
Gorgeous, Clear Skin
Gorgeous, Glowing Skin
Growth Removal, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Hair Growth is Possible!
Hair Growth with PRP San Francisco, California
Hair Growth with the Proper Diagnoses
Hair Loss Treatment - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Hair Loss Treatment - San Francisco, CA
Hair Loss Treatment for, Men San Francisco, CA
Hair Regrowth is Possible - San Francisco, California
Hair Restoration in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Heat Up to Slim Down with Vanquish Ultra - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Hello Cheekbones, Thanks Emface
Hypergimentation Correction
Incredible, Meaningful Results for Exczema Treatment
Inner Thigh CoolSculpting - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Jawline Sculpting, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Just a Bit for These Lips
Kybella & Threadlift to Redefine a Jawline
Laser + RX Skincare = Stunning Results, Pacific Heights, SF
Laser Resurfacing for Gorgeous Results in Pacific Heights
Laser Resurfacing, Dramatic Results
Laser Skin Resurfacing in San Francisco, CA
Laser treatment for Blue Veins in Pacific Heights, CA
Leave Old Acne Scars in the Past
Lip Filler Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Lip Line Defined
Lip Lines Be Gone!
Look as Young As You Feel! Fraxel Re:Pair, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Looking for subtle beautiful lip filler?
Love Handles No More
MD + Nurse Collaboration = Happy Patient
Meaningful Results in San Francisco
Melasma Can Be Frustrating but It is Treatable!
Melasma is Treatable!
Melasma Minimized in 6 Weeks - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Melasma Treatment
Melasma Treatment -Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Melasma Treatment -Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Melasma Treatment -Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Melasma Treatment -Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Melasma Treatment in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Melasma Treatment in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Melasma Treatment, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Melasma Treatment, Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Men's Skincare in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Morpheus8 + Sculptra
Morpheus8 for Body Smoothing
Morpheus8 for Body, Post-Partum
Morpheus8 for Eye Festoons and Eyelids
Morpheus8 Serving up Major Results in our San Francisco Clinic
Natural, Beautiful Lift
Natural, Beautiful Results with CoolSculpting
Natural, Beautiful Results with CoolSculpting
New Hair Growth
New Hair Growth is Possible
No injectables, no problem! Global Facial Optimization in Pacific Heights
Non Invasive Muscle Builder
Non-Invasive Body Sculpting for Beautiful, Natural Results
Non-Invasive Facial Optimization (No surgical buccal fat removal)
Non-Invasive Neck Lift - Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Noninvasive, No Downtime Treatment for Cellulite
Nose Correction - No Surgery
Patient in San Francisco, CA Receives Melasma Treatment
Post Skin Cancer Scar Repair
PreCancerous Growth Removal - Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Prepping for a Wedding: Toning + Slimming
Profile Balancing with Kysse
PRP Injections for New Hair Growth in Pacific Heights, SF
Redness From Rosacea Reduced
Refresh and Restore in San Francisco, CA
Refreshed, Never Done
Restoring Youthful Volume
RHA Filler for Fine Lines
Rhinophyma Caused by Rosacea
Right Treatment, Major Results in San Francisco, CA
Rosacea + Melasma Treatment
Rosacea Reduction - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Rosacea Treatment in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Rosacea Treatment in San Francisco
Rosacea, Redness Reduced
San Francisco Coolsculpting for Abdomen Fat Reduction
Scalp Pilar Cyst Removal with no Hair Loss
Scar + PIH Revision in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Scarless Mole Removal
Scarless Mole Removal in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Sculpting a Strong Jawline
Sculpting the Stomach
See Ya Later Sun Damage
Significant Strengthening
Simple Plan, Major Results
Simple Plan, Major Results for Rosacea
Six Packs Made Easy in San Francisco
Skin Rejuvenation - Fresh Skin Revealed with Fraxel Repair
Skin Texture Improvement with Restylane Contour
Slim Down, Build Muscle - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Slimmer Abdomen PostPartum using Coolsculpting - Bay Area
Slimmer Knees
Small Amount of Restylane for a Gorgeous, Natural Look
Soft Natural Lips with Juvederm Volbella - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Speeding Up a Bruise
Stomach and Flanks CoolSculpting Results - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Strong and Trim
Strong Results with Sofwave
Strong, balanced, natural
Stronger, Leaner with EMsculpt NEO
Submental Fullness Treatment - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Sun Damage Can Be Reversed
Target the Chin with CoolSculpting
Tattoo Removal, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Tattoo Removal, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Taut + Tone for the Knees
Tear Trough Filler in San Francisco, CA
The Power of the Right Products
Thermage For Eyes - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Thermage for Eyes, San Francisco
Thermage for Eyes, Stunning!
Thermage for Undereyes
Thinning Hair Treatment - San Francisco, CA
Threadlift for Tightening, Lift in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Threadlift, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Tighten and Tone, No Sweat Required
Treating POD with LED
Treatment for Melasma
Treatment for Melasma on Asian Skin
Treatment for PIH - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, California
Treatment for Rhinophyma in Pacific Heights, CA
Treatment for Rosacea, Acne, PIH
Treatment for Rosacea, Beautiful Clear Skin
Treatment for Spider and Varicose Veins
Treatment for Sun Damage with Fraxel
Treatment Plan for Hyperpigmentation (aka sun damage)
Turning Back Time with Fraxel Re:Pair
Ulthera Results in Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Ultherapy Lower Face - Lift and Tighten Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Under Eye Filler - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, California
Underye Filler, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Upper Arm Fat Reduced with CoolSculpting
Upper Eye Lid Lift - Pacific Heights, San Fransisco, CA
Vacation Ready, No Downtime
Vanquish Ultra
Vanquish Ultra Silhouette
Vbeam Laser for Unwanted Birthmark
Volume Reduction, Muscle Strengthening
What a difference 7 months can make!
Wrinkle and Pigment Treatment - Pacific Heights, San Francisco, CA
Xeomin Eyes
Younger Looking Hands - Instantly! Pacific Heights, San Francisco
Younger, Brighter Skin Acheived Quickly with Fraxel Repair
Youthful Hands with Filler, Pacific Heights, San Francisco
"Clean" Skincare
A Global Approach to Hair Loss: How Oral Minoxidil Can Help Regrow Hair
Alle, the New, Improved Rewards Program From Allergan
Back to Basics: Retinoids
Back to Basics: SPF
Be Ready for Anything with miraDry!
BODY by BTL Wows Patients and Providers
BOTOX® or Fillers? Which Cosmetic Injectable Should You Get First?
Buccal Fat Removal without Surgery? Dr. Austin shows us how.
Can EMSCULPT NEO® Give Me Ripped Looking Abs?
Can you tone my arms & legs? Oh Yes, We Can.
Cellulite Has Met Its Match: EMtone has arrived at The Body Clinic
Chemical Peels: Classic For Good Reason
Combo Treatments for Max Results: Sculptra Meets Fraxel
Cosmecuticals for Body Skin Texture and Cellulite Treatment
Donor spotlight: Kathleen Welsh, MD, FAAD from the AAD
Dr. Welsh Discusses Instalift
Dry Skin? We Got You. DIY Moisturizing Mask
Expanding Inclusivity: Tranexamic Acid for the Treatment of Melasma in Males
Expert Skin Hack: When Nothing Sounds Better than Falling Into Bed
Finding the Comfort Zone: Decrease Pain + Downtime
Get Vacay Ready ASAP
Green Tea - Hero Natural Skincare Ingredient
Hair today, gone tomorrow: How We Use PRP to Make Hair GROW again
Help for Your Cellulite Has Arrived Thanks to EMTONE Treatment
Hormones & The Collagen Quagmire
How (Not) To Pop A Pimple with Dr. Andrea Hui Austin
How Do I Preserve My Body Sculpting Treatments?
How Does A Threadlift Compare to Facelift Surgery?
How I Take Care of My Skin, From a BACD Patient
How Long Can EMSCULPT NEO Results Last Without Exercising?
How Long Can Laser Skin Resurfacing Results Last?
How Many Threads Are Needed To Lift Droopy Facial Skin?
How to Clean Your MakeUp Brushes
How To Protect Your Skin From Smoke, From Our Derms
Inside Dr. Steven He's Medicine Cabinet
Interrupting the Melasma Cycle with Tranexamic Acid
Is it Beneficial to Get Ultherapy® Treatment Before the Age of 30?
Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Safe?
Is your sunscreen ‘Reef Safe’?
Life Without Injections - What are our options during a quarantine?
Mask Friendly Eye Makeup Tutorial
Mountain Like A Pro
Muscle Building for Men, No Sweat Required
New! Virtual Consultations
Non-Invasive Body Sculpting Treatments for All of Your Goals
Now We Have to Worry About Blue Light Harming Our Skin, Too?
One Provider’s Personal Experience with EMTONE Cellulite Therapy
Oops, You Missed a Spot!
Our Best Before & Afters of 2019
Our Best Tips for Dry, Cracked Hands this Winter - from our MDs
Our Commitment to a Safe Practice
Our Top 10 Treatments of 2018
Schedule A Skin Cancer Screening for Skin Cancer Awareness Month
Sculpting Arms
Sunny Essentials: What Derms Never Forget to Pack
The Age You Start is the Age You Stay
The Body Clinic: New Safety Enhancements and Protocols
The Body Kit
The Future is Bright Now
The MMSphere 2 Go Now at BACD: The Best LED At-Home Light Therapy
Thermage for Eyes
Think You Can't Use Retin-A? Try a Derm's Go-To Tips.
Thinning Hair? We Care!
Three Dos And Don’ts After Laser Skin Resurfacing
Tips To Prepare for Your First CoolSculpting® Treatment
Tranexamic Acid to Prevent and Treat Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Unlocking Radiant Skin: A Guide to Morpheus and Topical Exosomes
Welcoming Dr. Steven Y. He + Cynthia Chaghouri, PA
What is Alopecia and can it be treated by a dermatologist?
What will your skin look like in 10 years? 3 Case Studies of BACD employees
Who is an Ideal Candidate for Ultherapy®?
Why We Love It: Emsella for Urinary Incontinence (aka leakage)
Why We're Obsessed with this New At-Home Treatment
Will My CoolSculpting® Results Be Noticeable Right Away?
You're Invited! Skin Cancer Take a Hike 2020 [Virtual]
Acne and Cyst Treatment in San Francisco, CA
Alopecia and Hair Loss in San Francisco, CA
Belotero® in San Francisco, CA
BOTOX® in San Francisco, CA
Chemical Peel in San Francisco, CA
Clear + Brilliant in San Francisco, CA
Combination Therapies in San Francisco, CA
CoolSculpting San Francisco, CA
Dysport® in San Francisco, CA
EMFACE in San Francisco, CA
Emsculpt NEO in San Francisco, CA
Emsella in San Francisco, CA
EMtone in San Francisco, CA
Fotona in San Francisco, CA
Full Body Red Light Therapy in San Francisco, CA
Growth Removals and Scars in San Francisco, CA
IPL Photofacial in San Francisco, CA
JUVÉDERM® in San Francisco, CA
KYBELLA® in San Francisco, CA
Laser Hair Removal San Francisco, CA
Laser Skin Resurfacing San Francisco, CA
Laser Tattoo Removal in San Francisco, CA
LED Light Treatment in San Francisco, CA
Melasma in San Francisco, CA
Microdermbrasion San Francisco, CA
Microneedling & Morpheus8 in San Francisco, CA
miraDry® and Hyperhidrosis in San Francisco, CA
Nonsurgical Skin Tightening in San Francisco, CA
Radiesse® in San Francisco, CA
Restylane® in San Francisco, CA
RHA® in San Francisco, CA
Rosacea Treatment in San Francisco, CA
Sclerotherapy & Blue Veins in San Francisco, CA
Sculptra® in San Francisco, CA
Skin Cancer Screenings in San Francisco, CA
Sofwave in San Francisco, CA
Taut + Toned in San Francisco, CA
Thermage FLX in San Francisco, CA
Thread Lift in San Francisco, CA
Tixel in San Francisco, CA
Ultherapy® in San Francisco, CA
Vanquish Ultra in San Francisco, CA
Xeomin® in San Francisco, CA
About Kathleen M. Welsh, M.D. | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
BACD Nurses Explain Ultherapy | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
Before and After: Dermal Filler | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
CoolSculpting At The Body Clinic | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
How Does the CoolSculpting Process Work? | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
Meet my Staff: The Amazing Skin Angels! | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
Pump It Up: How To Prime Your Airless Pump Products | San Francisco, CA
Sexual Health Treatment FAQs with Mary Krempa, RN | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Derm
Sun Protection Tips | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
The CoolSculpting Process by Roxanne Krempa | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
Tour our Clinic with Dr. Kathleen M. Welsh | San Francisco, CA | Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
View Features At This Location
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.