Cosmecuticals for Body Skin Texture and Cellulite Treatment
Dr. Austin and Dr. Welsh have just published a book chapter on best practices for cellulite treatment using Sculptra, one of our favorite injectables.
Now, more than ever, there are excellent treatments for cellulite. We are excited to offer a multifaceted approach to smoothing your skin:
Sculptra: Genetics or UV damage contribute to cellulite by thinning the skin. Sculptra filler tightens and smooths the skin, by stimulating new and healthy collagen production. Below, see the dramatic results this treatment can provide.
Sculptra treatment for cellulite.
Subcision: Dimples are caused by fibrosis, or "tethering," of the skin through the fat, like a tufted pillow. By removing these tethers, the skin can spring back into shape. Dr. Austin approaches each cellulite dimple by hand, using a comfortable method with a cannula to remove each dimple.
QWO: Sometimes tethers can be very thick, or scarred due to previous procedures such as plastic surgery and liposuction. QWO is a new FDA-improved injectable that safely and effectively removes deep dimples, and is a fantastic addition to your Sculptra cellulite treatment.
Skincare: To improve collagen and elasticity, we offer prescription products such as Body Tretinoin and @Alastinskincare TransForm, which are necessary for the best results from injectables.
BACD Body Treatments: Emtone is a fantastic treatment for overall smaller dimpling and improving skin texture, and is a great addition to your injectables regimen.
It's important to understand every body is different, and cellulite has various root causes. Thankfully, we can offer a treatment that addresses each cause of cellulite. The number of treatment varies depending on the amount of cellulite, so a consultation with one of our providers is necessary.
Curious how our team of experts can help you reach your goals? Contact our front desk to schedule a consultation today!