Emface Serves Up Gorgeous Results*

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As with all of our non-invasive skin tightening treatments, Emface results can be visible during a series but we always expect benefits to be fully realized 2-4 months after the last treatment. This is because we are using technology that boosts your body's own collagen building response and that takes time. Below you will see photos taken at the 1 month mark, directly after her 6th treatment as well as photos taken 3 months after the conclusion of her Emface series. At the 1 month mark she was already noticing a softening of lines around her mouth, around her eyes as well as an overall reduction in skin redness. However, her final photos reveal how these benefits further progressed into truly gorgeous results of lifted, fuller glowing skin.

Photos @ 1 Month Mark



Photos @ 1 Month Mark



Photos taken 3 Months Post



Photos taken 3 Months Post

