CoolSculpting® (Fat Reduction) in San Francisco, CA

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WHAT IS CoolSculpting?

At The Body Clinic at Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology, CoolSculpting is a noninvasive procedure that freezes stubborn fat that has previously not responded to diet and exercise. CoolSculpting technology utilizes cryolipolysis, a noninvasive cooling of adipose tissue to induce lipolysis – the breaking down of fat cells – effectively reducing body fat without damaging other tissues for San Francisco, CA patients. This is accomplished by:

  • Exposing the treatment area to cooling via energy extraction causes fat cell apoptosis – a natural, controlled cell death, which leads to the release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators that gradually eliminate the affected cells.
  • Inflammatory cells gradually digest the affected fat cells in the months after the procedure, reducing the thickness of the fat layer. Lipids from the fat cells are slowly released and transported by the lymphatic system to be processed and eliminated, much like that of fat from food.

CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared to eliminate stubborn fat in nine treatment areas, including the abdomen, flanks/sides (also called “love handles” or “muffin tops”), double chin, inner thighs, outer thighs, axilla, and upper arms. Learn more by scheduling a consultation at our San Francisco, CA facility.

WHY CHOOSE the Body Clinic for CoolSculpting?

The Body Clinic designs our Coolsculpting treatment plans with you in mind. Every person is unique, and your treatment plan should be as well. Beautiful sculpting takes time!  Sometimes this means we use the early sessions of treatment to reduce volume in an area, which then allows us to sculpt and shape the most natural looking results in subsequent visits. Patients who follow our multi-step process have raved about their transformations. 

Our techniques are the result of the experience of our practice manager, Roxanne Krempa, who over the last 12 years has been developing treatment plans and truly believes Coolsculpting is an art. We pride ourselves in our outcomes and the relationships we develop with our patients.  If you choose our office, we will be with you through every step of your transformation until your result is something we are both proud of. 

Our body staff has been through this process ourselves, so we can relate to your experience and are more than happy to share ours!  We adore Coolsculpting and would love to be a part of this journey with you.


AM I A CANDIDATE for Coolsculpting?

(scto Most people are candidates for CoolSculpting, but the following are contraindications. Not all of these contraindications exclude you from treatment, but if any apply to you, please notify us prior to treatment.

  •     Cold urticaria
  •     Areas of impaired peripheral circulation
  •     Reynaud’s disease
  •     Pregnancy
  •     Scar tissue or skin conditions in area of treatment (eczema, dermatitis)
  •     Impaired skin sensation
  •     Open or infected wounds
  •     Areas of recent bleeding or hemorrhage
  •     History of abdominal hernias

CoolSculpting is only effective on subcutaneous (pinchable) fat, not visceral fat, and it is not meant to be a weight loss solution in overweight or obese patients. During your complimentary body sculpting consultation, one of our body sculpting specialists will look at the areas you would like to treat and determine if you are a candidate for treatment.

What makes CoolSculpting different from Laser Lipo, Smart Lipo or Air Sculpting? 

Laser lipo (aka Smart Lipo) is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a laser to liquefy fat. Laser Lipo treatments generally have a few days of downtime. Potential risks of laser lipo can range from infection, skin necrosis, dimpling, lumpiness, numbness, scarring, discoloration, or sagging skin, as well as discomfort in the surgically treated area. 

Air Sculpting is also a minimally invasive procedure to reduce fat (considered 'micro-sculpting'). Air Sculpting is performed by a surgeon and typically carries with it less downtime than laser lipo.

CoolSculpting is a noninvasive procedure that uses cryolipolysis (freezing) to permanently kill and eliminate unwanted pockets of fat from the body. Patients can return immediately to their normal activities and side effects are more typically redness, bruising, soreness, and swelling in the treated area.

Dear Dr. Welsh - Thank you so much for popping in to see me today. It is always so great to see you. You have such a positive energy! Also - you look really fantastic! You look radiant, beautiful and natural. And you are the best advertisement for your practice. I completely trust anything you advise for me. Thank you again! Thank you again! Fondly, Anonymous

Anonymous Office Visit

I haven’t been to the cosmetic dermatology side, but I’ve been to see Roxanne Krempa and she is amazing. What a lovely person, she always made me feel so comfortable and she is excellent at sculpting. I feel so much more beautiful after seeing her. Thank you!

L.M. Yelp

Roxanne is very kind and efficient. Thank you!

L.I. Google

Great customer service. Roxanne is terrific. Friendly and professional.

R.S. Google

Roxanne is excellent and very knowledgeable.

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What SHOULD I Expect After CoolSculpting?

  • Our body sculpting specialist will assess the area to be treated and outline a treatment plan that will give you the best, most beautiful results. Because our team has been treating patients since 2009, we have more experience actually analyzing individual silhouettes and placing handpieces than almost anyone in the industry. We are experts in working with your natural body shape, whether that means chiseling a waistline or enhancing an hourglass figure.
  • Before treatment, we will take photos of the area you plan to CoolSculpt. Because results happen gradually and naturally over the course of several months, it is crucial for both patient and provider to have quality before-and-after photos.
  • Your specialist will then make you comfortable in the treatment chair, and a cold gel pad will be placed across the treatment area to protect your skin during the CoolSculpting procedure. The applicator cup of the handpiece will be placed on the area, and a gentle vacuum pressure will be applied to draw the tissue between the cooling panels. The applicator will remain on the skin for 35-60 minutes, depending on the handpiece used. During this time, you are free to relax, read, use one of our tablets to browse your favorite magazines, or log on to our wireless internet. Some patients even fall asleep!
  • Once the cycle has completed, your specialist will return to remove the applicator and use a ZWave Pro on the treated area to help break up the treated fat in its crystallized state. The Body Clinic at Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology is one of the only offices in the San Francisco area combining CoolSculpting and ZWave Pro technologies vs. manual massage. Our patients love their results!

WHEN WILL I SEE RESULTS After a CoolsCulpting treatment?

The results achieved through CoolSculpting happen gradually over the two months following treatment. This allows for a very natural-looking fat reduction. Some patients will begin to notice results as early as two to three weeks post-treatment with the most dramatic and visible results after two months. It is well worth the wait.

HOW MANY CoolSculpting TREATMENTS do I need?

Some patients will be satisfied after one treatment while others may want to be more aggressive and retreat one to two additional times to achieve further reduction. Our body sculpting specialists will work with you to determine how many treatments are necessary to meet your personal goals.

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HOW DO I PREPARE for CoolSculpting?

Preparation for a CoolSculpting treatment is minimal, however, the following tips will ensure you are most comfortable for the duration of your visit:

  • Eat a meal before treatment. CoolSculpting on an empty stomach can lead to nausea and lightheadedness.
  • Wear comfortable clothing you don’t mind getting gel on. You'll be sitting in the same position for at least half an hour, and sometimes our gel pads can leak onto clothing. We recommend yoga or sweatpants, a t-shirt, and some comfy socks. We'll keep you warm with cozy blankets, pillows, and robes.
  • Feel free to bring your laptop, reading material, etc. We offer complimentary wireless internet access in the office, as well as tablets loaded with Netflix, magazines, and games.
  • While not absolutely necessary, if you bruise easily, you may consider reducing blood-thinning medications and supplements one to two weeks before your procedure to help reduce the possibility of bruising. These include but are not limited to Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Omega-3's (fish oil, flaxseed oil, etc.), and Vitamin E. Please consult with your physician if you have any questions.

Other Considerations for CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a noninvasive treatment with minimal to no downtime. Most people return to their normal routine immediately following treatment. Normal responses include:

  • Redness in the treatment area (typically resolves within an hour)
  • Swelling (this can last for up to a week)
  • Numbness and tenderness (sometimes lasting up to two weeks)
  • “Pins and needles” nerve response (sometimes lasting up to two weeks)
  • Mild cramping
  • Possible bruising

There have been numerous studies regarding the results behind cryolipolysis. These studies have proven that after just one treatment, patients may see up to a 20% reduction in fat in as few as three weeks after their procedure with full results taking approximately three months. While these results cannot be guaranteed for each individual, our Body Clinic patients have been overwhelmingly happy for the last eight years.

CoolSculpting freezes fat cells so in the weeks and months following the procedure, the body will naturally process and eliminate these targeted cells to help the patient achieve a slimmer, more sculpted appearance. It is important to note that after CoolSculpting, a patient should practice a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, to maintain their results.

CoolSculpting is a noninvasive procedure that can help you achieve the slimmer body contour you have been unable to achieve through diet and exercise alone. If you have pesky bulges of fat and want to learn more about how CoolSculpting can help you achieve your goals, book a free consult online here. 

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.