Incredible, Meaningful Results for Exczema Treatment*

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For the first time since he was a child, this patient feels comfortable in his own skin! Nothing makes us happier!

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, causes itching and rashes. It’s considered a lifelong condition and usually begins in childhood. Eczema can sometimes involve the entire body and severely affect quality of life due to constant itching and open wounds from scratching. In the case of this patient, it can also cause whole-body redness, loss of hair (eyebrows), and overall swelling due to inflammation. Per the patient, he was unable to get a good nights’ rest for years.

Fast forward a quick 6 months and this patient has experienced TOTAL remission of his lifelong eczema! First, Dr. Austin carefully tapered off his topical steroid use; utmost care was given to prevent relapse during this period.

Then, Dr. Austin prescribed once-daily Cibinqo (abrocitinib), a new oral medication for eczema. This medication gently adjusts a patient’s immune system to prevent the body from attacking its own skin. This patient did not experience any side effects.

Redness resolved

