A Global Approach to Hair Loss: How Oral Minoxidil Can Help Regrow Hair
You may have heard of minoxidil. This medication was recently highlighted in The New York Times [Aug 18, 2022] as a safe, effective and affordable oral medication for regrowing hair. Full article here.
Minoxidil helps by increasing blood supply to hair follicles and encouraging dormant hairs to start regrowing again. This medication has been around for several decades as a treatment for high blood pressure.
When taken at low doses (40-100 times smaller than used for blood pressure treatment), patients can experience a substantial rate of hair regrowth. Dr. Austin has prescribed low-dose minoxidil for years, even before PRP had become mainstream, with excellent results and almost no side effects reported.
PRP (or platelet rich plasma injections) is like "fertilizer" for hair, but the "soil" (your scalp) must be healthy for hair to grow its best. Dedication to a home regimen is vital to the success of hair regrowth procedures such as PRP.
Many patients wonder if PRP can work by itself. While possible, the fullest potential for hair regrowth is achieved when every aspect of hair loss has been addressed, such as healthy blood supply, hormone balance, and nutrients.
See below for an example of the kind of hair growth we expect with an appropriate, global treatment plan.
Interested how you can regrow your own hair? During a consultation, our providers will fully evaluate your scalp and health to ensure prescription medications are a good fit for you. Schedule a consult today by calling 805-973-0495.
Learn more about our treatments for Alopecia and Hair Loss here as well as view before and afters of real patients.