Why We Love It: Emsella for Urinary Incontinence (aka leakage)
Introducing...our newest anti-aging treatment at BACD: Yoga with Puppies!
J/K, J/K but we do have a treatment I wish everyone could get just as excited about: EMsella for urinary incontinence (the involuntary leakage of urine or lack of bladder control). I realize this doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as Yoga With Puppies but stay with me.
For most of us, the pelvic floor is something we don't think of very often. But when the pelvic floor starts to age due to estrogen deficiency or is stretched to its limits during pregnancy, we become all too aware of how it can fail us. Urinary incontinence is a major side effect of a weakened pelvic floor: leaking during exercise, when we sneeze or cough - it’s uncomfortable and downright embarrassing. It may surprise you that both men and women experience incontinence. Men especially so after treatment for prostate cancer.
There are 16 muscles in the pelvic floor (!!) and certain yoga moves like downward dog can help to strengthen and relax them. Scientifically proven to work better if you can find an adorable canine to join you. ;)
In all seriousness, we also know Kegels can really help this zone, too.
But what happens when exercise alone isn't enough? For many years, the only available option has been invasive surgery. And this is why we want to shout it from the mountain tops that we have a wonderfully effective and entirely non-invasive way to treat urinary incontinence: EMsella. Using a similar technology (HIFEM) as some of our other muscle-building treatments, EMsella allows you to quickly and effectively strengthen the pelvic floor resulting in less leakage and more bladder control.
A Comparative Study on the Effects of High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology and Electrostimulation for the Treatment of Pelvic Floor Muscl
I tell as many people as I can about EMsella. I've done the treatments myself and it's very comfortable. You simply sit in a chair, fully clothed for 30 minutes. It requires zero downtime and it works. We typically recommend 6 treatments to enjoy the full results although may patients report improvement within the series.
Take it from one of our patients at Bay Are Cosmetic Dermatology:
“After having two children and before Emsella I could literally not run. Each time I tried, I would literally “wet my pants." My OB/GYN suggested surgery, but I thought I’d give Emsella a try. After 6 sessions I am dry as a bone after running and can even do jumping jacks without embarrassing leakage. My sex life has also improved. I am so grateful to Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology and Dr. Welsh for suggesting the treatment. It was painless and very discreet." - RS age 45
What are you waiting for? If you live in or around the Bay Area and are experiencing urinary incontinence or an overactive bladder come see us and take back control of your life - we can help!
Interested in speaking to one of my registered nurses more about EMsella or Viveve ? Schedule a free, no strings attached phone consultation with our in-house sexual health specialist, Mary Krempa, RN below.